About grant holder:
University North is a newly formed higher education institution organised as a dynamic organisation that continually monitors, implements and incorporates scientific and professional knowledge in the modernisation of the existing and the development of new study programmes, promotes the concept of lifelong learning and deepens and maintains relations with the business sector and collaboration with related higher education institutions in the country and abroad. It's formed with a goal to give the north western region of Croatia skilled and highly educated professionals trained in electrotechnics, multimedia, civil engineering, logistics, production engineering, nursing, media design, working and management in media, public relations, journalism and business economics.

Ivanovo State University (IvSU) is a classic university in the Center of Russia founded in 1973 on the base of Ivanovo State Pedagogical Institute, realizes main educational programs on specialities of higher professional education, bachelor and master degrees. International Center of Vocational Education and Center of Quality Management were created on the basis of the university. The quality management system is regulated and certificated according to the requirements of ISO 9001-2008. It was granted the award of All-Russian Competition of universities’ quality management systems. In the frame of quality management system development the institute of representative for quality, internal auditors with corresponding certificates was created. Ongoing transitional motion in the framework of the Bologna process.

Tomsk State University (TSU) is one of the oldest universities in Russia; it was established in 1878. Today TSU is the largest classic university in the East of Russia. TSU entered the Top-500 best universities in the world and also the Top-10 best Russian universities. There are 23 departments, educating more than 17,000 students for last academic year, 165 master’s programmes in 49 areas of academic studies and counting. Preparation in TSU is led in 135 areas and specialities, 22 dissertation councils (22 of them are doctoral), about 20 doctor of science and 100 candidate of science dissertations are defended annually, under more than 300 programs of additional vocational education. TSU is one of the first in Russia to carry out continuous and distance education. The Quality Management System of TSU applicable to design, development and provision of multilevel academic education, postgraduate education, pre-school education and other specialized training services; scientific research has been assessed and registered by NQA (BS EN ISO 9001: 2008).

The Belarus State Economic University`s (BSEU) are founded in 1933 and nowadays is one of the largest universities in the country. It trains specialists in the field of economics, management and law. The graduates of the university work in all the sectors of the national economy both in the country and abroad. The university has a developed infrastructure, which provides training and research within eight schools: School of Management; School of Accounting and Economics; School of Finance and Banking; School of International Economic Relations; School of Commerce Economics and Management; School of Marketing; School of Law; School of International Business Communications.
In addition, BSEU incorporates Higher School of Tourism, Higher School of Business and Management, Consulting Center for Commerce, a specialized school of pre-university training, and a specialized school of psychological and teaching updating. The university has a Research Center, an International Relations Division, and a Publishing Center. The university library is one of the best supplied and equipped in the country. BSEU has 57 departments (including 13 that are found in its branches in Bobruisk and Pinsk), research laboratories, a student campus, and a retail trade center.
The training of students is done on a multi-level basis. The degrees pursued are those of bachelors, specialists and masters. The graduates can also continue their education in a post-graduate school called aspirantura (full-time or part-time), where they pursue a Ph.D. degree, and in a post-doctorate school called doctorantura to pursue a post-doctorate degree (doctor habile).
The Belarus State Economic University's student body accounts for 25,000 students, with 1,200 faculty members teaching them, of whom 47 percent have advanced degrees and titles.
The priorities in the organization of teaching are made on providing of systemic level of studies, making connections among the subjects taught, establishing interdisciplinary courses, developing independent work skills, implementing active forms of the teaching process, and effective methods of testing.
Acquiring new techniques of teaching and exchanging experience in teaching combined with doing research on topical issues of economic development are made possible due to fruitful contacts with companies, agencies, and related universities, including those beyond Belarus.

Folkuniversitetet (FU) is a national Adult Education Association which offers a wide range of VET and adult education training courses throughout Sweden and in several European countries. FU-Uppsala has around 120 permanent employees including administrative staff and teachers. Around 300 employees are working on freelance bases. Through the cooperation with other FU offices in Sweden, FU-Uppsala has a national coverage. FU was registered in 1954 and is nowadays a leading organisation in Sweden in Adult Education and Lifelong learning.
Specific expertise and social context: FU-Uppsala has a long tradition of successfully introducing new teaching methods into adult education including the latest developments in ICT. FU-Uppsala offers both formal and non-formal education for public authorities, enterprises and individuals. FU organizes specific training programs and/or training courses for various disadvantaged target groups such as unemployed, low-skilled, immigrants, people with physical and mental disabilities and youth drop-outs. The organisation is focused on the development of interventions that addresses social issues for various disadvantaged target groups in order to promote social/labour market inclusion. Totally we organise and implement above 67000 hours of formal and non-formal training for disadvantaged groups per year.
Quality system: FU-Uppsala is certified according to ISO 9001 which ensures the quality of the whole organisation as well as focus on a process and customer needs. In the case of this application the customer is the representatives of the disadvantaged groups attending the courses at FU.

Revalento is a consultancy (staff category 1-20) which offers services on the cross roads of HRD, training, education, labour market and organization. In its work the core focus is on the development of a learning culture and learning organisations. Revalento has built up large expertise related to specific quality standards, the introduction of the European standard for VET, the development and implementation of the provider based model CQAF VET, as well as the measurement of impact of quality models. It has extended expertise in the introduction of supporting (ICT based) tools for HRD in sector organisations like small metal industry (over 70.000 members) and the Dutch Teacher association (over 250.000 teachers). It was among the first of organizations in the Netherlands which has successfully introduced the IIP standard.
As a consultancy and innovator Revalento has close relationships with Saxion University regarding HRD, staff policy and performance management. On the issue of learning organisations Revalento has extended work relations with the research department of Social Sciences of Tilburg University and the International Business School TIAS especially on the issue of QA in education. The expertise of these Universities is made available through their mutual work relationship.
Regarding skills and competence mapping and development approaches with a focus on development of craftsmanship, Revalento has been working as a partner with BenPo for more than 10 years regarding the development and piloting of LLL ICT application in sectors like the care sector, installation technology and others. These kind of applications also act as quality assurance mechanisms for focussing education on the right subjects.
Revalento has been running large scale learning and development projects in the UK, Sweden as well as in the Netherlands and has long term experience in EU cooperation.

The Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management is a state educational institution. It was established in 1994 and has been certified by the IQNet among the first VET institutions of Russia. It has repeatedly been awarded for the Quality Management.
The SAIM specializes in VET for managers and specialists of industrial enterprises, as well as public and municipal administration authorities and universities. Trainings are based on the active training for achieving a practical result. The know-how is the innovative project technology, using from development and implementation of quality management systems up to VET programs, including MBA and MPA.
The number of customers is more than 1000 enterprises and organizations from all regions of Russian Federation. Annually our team trains over 9 000 people.
The structure of the SAIM consists of 6 departments, 2 training centers, postgraduate course, and a branch in Moscow. The Pastukhov Publishing House operated by the Academy issues the “Pastukhov Academy Bulletin”, educational and methodical literature. The SAIM is a cofounder of “VET in Russia and World-Wide” magazine.
The Academy has extensive experience in international projects on the development of vocational education and quality assurance. In partnership with CIS (Austria), Cro-Cert (Croatia), Quality Austria, the Academy carries out trainings for managers and auditors in the field of QMS, EMS, OHSAS, social responsibility, information security, risk management based on harmonized programs of European Organization for Quality (EOQ), conducts the EOQ qualification exams and audits of management systems. SAIM carries out joint research in the field of quality assurance in cooperation with Folkuniversitetet (Sweden), Revalento (Netherlands). There had been implemented a large project with the London Business School aiming to attract investments to the Russian economy. Projects for the training of managers are carried out together with Carl Duisberg Center (Germany).

The Republican Institute for Vocational Education (RIPO) was established in 1993 for scientific and methodological provision of VET and further training of VET teachers in the Republic of Belarus.
RIPO’s organizational structure embraces VET research institute, 2 VET colleges, faculty of retraining and qualification upgrading of VET teaching and managerial staff, postgraduate school, centre for VET informatization, coordination center for the CIS initiatives in VET, editing and publishing center, department for comparative research and international cooperation in VET (over 800 employees).
RIPO maintains partnership with VET research institutes, educational establishments, industrial organizations from EU countries, all the CIS countries, the USA, etc.
RIPO hosts international conferences, seminars on the issues of quality assurance and evidence based policy making in VET, Torino Process, NQF development, etc. The program of VET quality assessment in Belarus is being developed with consideration of the EQAVET principles including a List of Key Quality Indicators for VET system evaluation in Belarus, a Catalogue of main statistical indicators describing general conditions, recourses and needs of VET system and LM. RIPO has the Certificate of conformity to the quality management system STB ISO 9001-2009.