Ovaj projekt je dobio sredstva od European Union’s Education Audiovisual and Culture Excutive Agency, Erasmus+: Visoko obrazovanje - udruženja znanja, Bologna podrška, Jean MONNET, prema ugovoru broj 565454-EPP-1-2015-1-HR-EPPJMO-NETWORK |
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Ovaj projekt je dobio sredstva od European Union’s Education Audiovisual and Culture Excutive Agency, Erasmus+: Visoko obrazovanje - udruženja znanja, Bologna podrška, Jean MONNET, prema ugovoru broj 565454-EPP-1-2015-1-HR-EPPJMO-NETWORK |
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Voditelj projekta:
Doc.dr.sc. Krešimir Buntak tel: +385 98 357 494 e-mail: kresimir.buntak@unin.hr skype: kresimir1966 |
Br. |
Organizacija |
Kontakti |
1. |
Voditelj projekta Mrs. Sorokin Nikita e-mail: n.d.sorokin@gmail.com, tel: +7-962-155-82-61 skype: nikitasorokin1 |
2. |
Voditelj projekta Mrs. Galina Mozhaeva tel: 007-3822-529579 tel: +791328228218 fax: 007-3822-529579 fax e-mail: mozhaeva@ido.tsu.ru |
3. |
Voditelj projekta Dr. Natalia Popok tel: +375 17 209-78-55 fax: +375 17 209-78-55 e-mail: popok@bseu.by |
4. |
Voditelj projekta Mr. Ali Rashidi tel: +46 018 68 00 60 e-mail: ali.rashidi@folkuniversitet.se |
5. |
Voditelj projekta Drs. Roger Van de Winkel tel: 00 311 362 295 7263 e-mail: winkel@revalento.nl skype: roger.van.de.winkel
6. |
Voditelj projekta Mrs. Nina Aniskina tel: + 7 4852 303 583 tel: + 7 980 654 72 00 e-mail: rector@gapm.ru skype: aniskina_nina |
7. |
Voditelj projekta Ms. Olga Dekhtiarenko tel: +375 17 200 11 80 tel: +375 29 6156777 fax: +375 17 200 11 80 e-mail: olga.dekhtiarenko@ripo.unibel.by |
Detalji projekta
Naziv projekta: Širenje pristupa europske unije pri pružanju osiguranja kvalitete visokog obrazovanja zemljama partnerima primjenom osiguranja kvalitete
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 333.405,00 EUR
Iznos koji sufinancira Europska unija: 264.405,00 EUR
Razdoblje provedbe: 2015. – 2018.
Kontakt za više informacija: kresimir.buntak@unin.hr
Poveznica: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_hr.htm
Progress and results of the 1st stage of the project QM&CQAF
The expansion of the EU-approaches to providing the partner-countries higher education quality
assurance Expanding Quality Assurance
Activities | Partners in charge |
Preparation of the national reports in the national language and in English | Each project participant from the partner-countries |
Preparation of the joint report in English | University North |
Preparation of a questionnaire and instructions for research on indicators considered to be important for the Quality of Education in the project partner countries | Revalento |
Preparation of a country research report template | Revalento |
Conducting the research | Each project participant from the partner-countries |
National country report Croatia |
University North |
National country report Russia |
Pastukhov academy |
National country report Belarus | The Republican Institute for Vocational Education Belarus State Economic University |
National country report Sweeden |
Folkuniversitet |
The respondent demonstrated an inconsistent approach to understanding quality as ability of an institution to achieve its goals:
First transnational meeting of the QM&CQAF project (methodical seminar)
November 23-24, a methodical seminar was held in |
Prepared by Pastukhov Academy | |
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09:40 – 10:20 – Presentation by 10:30-10:50 – Short presentation 10:50 – 11:10 Coffee-break 11:10 – 12:00 – Presentation of the
12:00 – 13:30 – Presentation of 13:30 – 14:30 – Lunch 16:00 – 16:15 – Coffee-break 16:15 – 17:00 – Continuation 17:00 – 19:30 Tour of Yaroslavl 20:00 - Dinner
24.11.2015.09:30 – 11:30 – Project 11:30 – 11:45 – Coffee-break 11:45 – 12:30 – Continuation 12:30 – 14:00 – Lunch 14:00 – 15:00 –Dissemination activities (roles and responsibilities 15:00 – 15:30 – Partner 15:30 – 16:00 – Evaluation 16:00 – 19:30 Tour of Tolga |
Prepared by every participant Prepared by Pastukhov Prepared by Pastukhov
Prepared by the grant holder & other participants by agreement |
As a result of the methodical seminar, the partners have decided to:
Focus groups «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by University North |
The Focus group meetings took place in two sessions of two days each (20-21 June and 4-5 July 2016) at the premises of the University North, University Center in Varaždin, 104. brigade 3. The University North invited participants from various higher education institutions and invitations were sent out together with the respective agendas. The materials for participants were prepared and the premises and refreshment organized. The work methodology included analytical review of training materials, discussion and brainstorming on specific discussion topics, various comments and remarks of participants were written on a white board and afterwards systematically electronically filled. Both sessions ended with the joint conclusions and incentive to the participants to be furtherly involved in the project activities concerned QA. |
Focus groups «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by Pastukhov academy and Ivanovo State University |
The Focus group meetings took place in September 2016. at the premises of the Pastukhov Academy. The Pastukhov Academy invited participants from Ivanovo State University. Having presented the EQAVET model, the speakers presented the European experience of implementation of the mentioned indicators, gave examples of the Russian experience which they knew, and asked questions regarding the participants’ experience in implementation of the model in VET. The questions were discussed in small groups. Participant had 15-20 minutes to discuss each question. After the discussion, a representative of each group presented the shared opinion of the group. |
Focus groups «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by Tomsk State University |
At National Research Tomsk State University the first focus group meeting was held on the 15th of November, 2016. The focus group consisted of 14, including representatives of partner organizations, which are the QM&CQAF model developers and TSU employees responsible for the quality of education in the university departments. The work was organized on the basis of the Institute of distance education at Tomsk State University in the lecture hall that is equipped with all necessary equipment. All the members of the focus group were provided with handouts, including the description of the QM&CQAF model, presentation materials and the analytical study that included the information about the future QM&CQAF model providers and parties concerned primary reaction QM&CQAF model application, QM&CQAF model components and typical bottle-necks advance, backgrounds and improvement resources (research report that was conducted in the first phase of the project). The focus group has been discussing the following topics: relevance of current themes and indicators and their definitions, usefulness / added value of the model in respect to the QA models in use (especially ISO), links between CQAF VET and ISO and elaboration of the required steps towards adapting the CQAF Vet model to be of use in Russian Federation. |
Focus groups «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by Educational institution republican institute for vocational ed and Belarus State Economic University |
On 20-21 October, 2016. The RIPO organized the focus group meeting as an activity at the expert review of the CQAF VET model applicability at the level of higher and vocational education institutions, and to determine the next steps in pilot activities on the adaptation of the CQAF VET modle to the educational context in Belarus. The discussions during the focus groups were moderated by dr. Alena Kasyanik, Vice rector for educational activities of the RIPO, and by Ms. Olga Dekhtiarenko , Head of the Department for Comparative Recearch and International Cooperation in VET, RIPO. The participants of the focus groups (19 people) were the representative of management and experienced teaching staff of 6 Belarussian institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. |
Training «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by Pastukhov Academy and Ivanovo State University
Training «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» took place at the 20th-23rd of July 2016 in Pastukhov Academy. It was held as a part of the international project «The expansion of the EU-approaches to providing the partner-countries higher education quality assurance Expanding Quality Assurance». |
Working languages of the seminar are English and Russian. The program of the three-year project includes adaptation of the quality assurance model QM & CQAF (Common Quality Assurance Framework) to the system of higher education in the partner countries of the EU (Croatia, Russia, and Belarus), generalization of the positive experience in the dissemination of the model QM&CQAF and the assessment of the quality of education based on this model. The aim of the seminaris training tutors to implement and disseminate the model QM&CQAF at the national level. The main speaker and moderator of the seminar –Ali Rashidi, the Director of the Department for International Cooperation (Folkuniversitetet Uppsala, Sweden). Teachers and specialists from Pastukhov Academy and Ivanovo State University participated in this seminar.
Training «Implementation of the quality assurance model CQAF in education» by University North
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Građani Europe imaju potrebu usklađivanja Europskog visokog obrazovanja u zemljama izvan Europske Unije (Rusija, Bjelorusija, Kazahstan, Ukrajina, Srbija, Crna Gora, itd). Ideja obrazovne kvalitete temelji se na međunarodnim standardima. Međutim, institucije se moraju suočiti s mnogim poteškoćama u implementaciji ISO standarda u visokom obrazovanju. Stoga opći cilj projekta je model EU obrazovne kvalitete koji će se primijeniti na nacionalnoj razini te prikupljanje pozitivne prakse kroz širenje tog modela i uspostavljanje osiguranja kvalitete.
Sljedeće aktivnosti koje će se obavljati tijekom ovog projekta su:
- Istraživanje kvalitete modela CQAF u državama partnerima
- Koncept eksploatacije CQAF modela u zemljama partnerima
- Prikupljanje resursa i promotivnih materijala
- Obuka trenera koji bi educirali primjenu CQAF modela na sveučilištima
- Izrada vodiča kvalitete visokog obrazovanja te rasprava na nacionalnoj razini
- Uspostavljanje procesa podrške CQAF modela i nadzora u zemljama partnerima
- Dodatna istraživanja o CQAF modelu kvalitete u zemljama partnerima te njegovoj primjeni prema načelima upravljanja kvalitetom.
Glavni rezultati projekta će biti:
- Bolje osiguranje kvalitete obrazovanja primjenom QM & CQAF modela na sveučilištima partnerskih zemalja
- Uspostavljanje mreže sudionika motiviranih i obučenih za upravljanje kvalitetom i distribucije CQAF modela u drugim zemljama
- Izrada vodiča QM & CQAF modela koji će sadržavati opis modela, metodologiju prijave, preporuke prilagodbe, te pokazatelje uspješnosti implementacije modela
Glavni pokazatelji postignuća projekta biti će:
- Model koji će biti adekvatan za ciljeve i aktivnosti projekta, uključujući obradu i metodologiju primjene
- Visoka uporaba modela na nacionalnoj razini
Indikatori uspješnosti projekta će biti:
- Vodič s materijalima o adaptaciji modela, primjeni i širenju u zemljama partnerima
- Učitelji, nastavnici i stručnjaci za obuku lokaliziranog programa
- Količina treninga
- Količina sveučilišnih mentora, učitelja i stručnjaka koji se osposobljavaju za upravljanje kvalitetom i CQAF modelom kroz primjenu i širenje
- Stručna procjena QM i CQAF modela
- Interni rezultati revizije QM i CQAF modela
- Količina prezentacije QM & CQAF modela za sudionike obrazovnog procesa
- Količina nacionalnih sveučilišta koja je spremna prihvatiti QM & CQAF model